Sunday 27 May 2012

Walk to work...

As my time winds down here, I realize that there is still a lot of the day-to-day stuff I haven't yet shared.   Since my mom is more a fan of the everyday-mundane, I thought you might like to take a walk to work for an office day with me...

First, we leave my house and walk past the fancy (yet concrete) house that sits on the rice field next door:

There are always livestock in the field:

If you are lucky, you may get to see someone taking their carabao (water buffalo) for a walk:

Some sort of car/trike maintenance is always happening:

You then pass about 75 of these little sari-sari stores, which carry an assortment of things like shampoo, laundry soap and instant coffee in very small, individual packages.  Not sure how any of them survive as they all stock the same stuff and are right next to one another:

Turn left at the corner.  It is always busy here, you are likely to almost get run over, but you learn to walk with determination and blind faith that you will make it to the other side:

Another 55 sari-sari stores and 6 lechon manok (rotisserie chicken) stands:

Across a few unfortunately litter-filled rivers:

Past the church, which is more often than not full of people or blasting seroms from some tinny speakers:

My two favorite houses in Jagna- both old and intricate.  Both used to be surgeon/doctor's offices:

And then past some new houses. New houses here are concrete and not nearly so pretty.  These are the homes of more affulent people.  You will also find nipa (palm and bamboo) homes:

Basketball court is almost always packed.  You can stop to watch some awesome players.  Interestingly basketball is by far the most popular sport in the Philippines.  Soccer (football), which you would expect to be popular, has been nowhere to be seen:

Along the road there is always coconut husks (for fuel) and rice drying:

Last stretch is along the water.  At night, this wall is full of young people hanging out and giggling:

Almost there, don't get hit by a bus:

Office gazebo in sight:

Time for work:


  1. I feel like I'm there with you; thanks for making the "mundane" come alive. :-) Do people look at you like you are crazy for walking? It didn't look like there were too many other pedestrians.

  2. Too fun! This is bike to work week here but I just roll off the couch to take Ella for a walk. Mom

  3. Haha. Thanks Mom! Ella would love it here, there are many dogs running around, stealing food and such!
