Tuesday 15 May 2012

Chicken steroids

I could tell you about the beaked whale I saw yesterday.  Or the turtle we attempted surgery on this weekend.  Or the hawkbill hatchlings we released on Sunday....but I am at a loss for words tonight after being fried by the sun while surveying this week.  So, I will just leave you this to ponder.  If you have ever wondered how to bulk up your rooster so you could, say, pit it against another rooster and fight them to the death, then I have your answer.  Warhawk- Gamecock Power Series.

If you are spending a lot of money on chicken steriods, then you should make sure that your chicken doesn't escape, so you better leash it to your front yard. 

Oh the things I've learned in this curious, wonderful place...


  1. very sad! such beautiful birds...hate that they are still exploited.

  2. and, if you can't make it out to the local ring, you can always watch cock-fighting on television.

  3. Wear a hat and sunglasses; drink more water. You will be one large walking freckle when you return. Mom
