Monday 19 March 2012

Three for three!

This post isn't going to be very poetic as I am feeling really tired and a bit sunstroked, but I am going to take a quick moment to extol the AMAZINGNESS that is the Bohol Sea.  Today we rented a local bangka (ie a funny boat that looks like a skinny canoe with bamboo pontoons out the side for stability), to do a little exploratory survey.  We spent thee hours on the water and I added THREE new species to my cetacean life-list (yes, I am a nerd).  Three species, three hours. In fact, it was even less than three hours spent looking for cetaceans, as the first hour we stayed really close to shore looking for whale sharks (none!), so really it was two hours.  INCREDIBLE.   The pics, slightly less incredible.  The ol' D40 of 6 years ago isn't quite the camera I want it to be.  Oh well.  

Dwarf sperm whales!

Melon headed whales!

Spinner dolphins!

I am spoilt...

1 comment:

  1. Out on the water again, lucky you. Shall I send a hat, sunglasses or a water container? Mom
