Wednesday 28 March 2012

An afternoon roadsie...

A few days ago, we decided to take a bit of an afternoon break from survey protocols, paper reviewing and program planning to embark on a mini-roadsie into the interior.  Seven of us smooshed into the little green beast (our most awesome mobile), and headed north to find waterfalls and rice terraces.

It was a beautiful, if somewhat bumpy, drive.  Banana trees, palms, bamboo and a scattering of domestic beasts (pigs, goats, cows and carabao!) provided the scenery.

Our first stop was a set of tiered waterfalls.  We slipped among the rocks to get a better view of the cascading water that ended in a milky blue pool. The ground was muddy and the rocks slimey, so the flip- flops I wore were a bad choice of footwear.  I should learn from my mother: always wear sensible shoes.

We then took the long road home, stopping periodically to scope out the stunning rice terraces that take advantage of the hilly terrain in the area. The rice shoots are still green right now (apparently they get golden brown later on) and the sculptured steps looked like lush carpet.

 Once the rice is harvested from these fields, it is dried along the side of the road on large tarps.  I can't even imagine how much rice is produced in the entire country seeing how much is cultivated in just this one area. Philippinos love their rice, eating it for every meal of the day.  One of the Filipinas I've met told me she just doesn't feel right if she hasn't had any with her meal, that she will become devoid of energy.  At brekkie, it's often garlic rice and at other times of the day plain.  At the evening food stands near the market, you get sticky rice in bamboo wrappers that you dip in soy sauce with chili.   All good for me though, I have always been a rice fan.  Now, time for dinner.  Rice, anyone?


  1. Always listen to your mother and follow her sensible shoe-shod footprints...

  2. So beautiful . . . so jealous. Here it is gray and rainy. Lovely photos!
