Thursday 12 April 2012

Pictuesque Oslob....

I am rather sleepy from our routine wake-up hour of 5:30am and the fact that I am sleeping on the most uncomfortable bed in the world right now.  As a result, I have no great seeds of insight or humerous stories tonight.  I just wanted to share some pics of Oslob, the town I am staying while studying the whale shark interactions described in my last post.  Oslob is about a two and a half hour bus ride from Cebu City, which next to Manila, is the other major metropolitan city in the Philippines.  It is on the island of Cebu to the west of Bohol.  Oslob really wasn't on the tourist map until the last few months (due to the boom in whale shark interaction tours).  You won't find it in the guidebooks yet, but it's still really picturesque. There are ruins of a watchtower and barracks that the spanish built in the late 1700s out of coral bricks, a pretty promenade, a great big church, lots of turquoise water, bright flowers and sunrises in the front yard. Apparently there are lovely waterfalls too, which may be tomorrow afternoon's adventure...for now, here is a look at where I am.


  1. It reminds me of the Caribbean coast of Honduras, quite the colonial influence those Spaniards had!

  2. Aren't there any stores in the places you visit? These picturesque photos are charming but don't give a feel for the more mundane.
    Grumpy Older Person
